Hebrew Observations
There is deeper meaning and many hidden messages to discover just under the surface of the Hebrew language. For instance sometimes there are words found within other words; sometimes the numerical values of the letters relate to other words forming a related connection; sometimes letters are even printed at different sizes or words are spelled wrong on purpose in order to reveal a second message. Every Hebrew word also comes from a root word and is therefore related to many other words. I will offer you examples of all these instances within this website. So let's begin with some of the messages we can discover within the Hebrew language that are found just under the surface. Again I will leave it up to you to decide if the examples I offer are proof of Divine Design or just coincidence.
Hebrew Observations by Subject: (Pick a subject to go directly to it.)
• Balance & The Ear
• Hand & Friendship
• Gematria of Pregnancy
• The Firstborn & The Importance of Duplicate Numbers
• Adam & Word Relationships
• The Properties of Science
• Darkness and Light
• The Oneness of Love
• Hysopp
• God & Mankind
• Eastern vs. Western Philosophy
• East
• Water / Face
• The Length of a Hebrew Year
Balance & The Ear
In Hebrew the word for "balance" is "moznim". Right in the middle of this word are the three Hebrew letters Aleph, Zayin, and Nun. These three letters spell the Hebrew word "ozin" which means "ear". What makes this interesting is the fact that our balance comes from our ears! It wasn't until 1916 that it was totally realized and accepted that our balance lies in our inner ear, and yet it has been there in plain view for thousands of years in the Hebrew language!

Hand & Friendship
In Hebrew the word for "hand" is "yawd". Firstly this is interesting because the symbol of the Hebrew letter "yod" is the image of an arm & hand which refers to "work" or "deed". The second thing that is interesting in regards to this word is the sum of the Hebrew letters; which equals 14. Why is this interesting? It's because there are exactly 14 joints in our fingers.

Now the Hebrew the word for "friend" is "yawde" (it is pronounced with a long vowel sound on the "e"). Notice that this word is formed by using the Hebrew word for hand twice. Why would this word be formed in this manner? it's because friends are supposed to walk "Hand in Hand", being there for each other.

Gematria of Pregnancy
In Hebrew the word for "pregnancy" is "hariyon". The sum of the numerical values of each of the letters of this word equals 271. Why is this interesting? It's because according to the Torah the length of a healthy pregnancy is 271 days.

The Firstborn & The Importance of Duplicate Numbers
In Hebrew the word for "firstborn" is "bechor". The sum of the numerical values of each of the letters of this word equals 222. Why is this interesting? It's because according to the Bible the first born is supposed to get a double portion of the inheritance.

In Hebrew repetition is way of placing extra emphasis or importance on something. So the repetitive number 2 in the numerical value of this word expresses the high value and importance that is equated with the position of the firstborn. Like wise when a number is repeated it typically contains a deeper meaning. For example let's consider the Hebrew word for "Blood" which is "dem" (pronounced with a soft "e") and the Hebrew word for "snow" which is "sheleg".

Coincidentally once again the fact that there were four different blood types was not discovered until 1901-1902, yet this understanding may have been hidden in the Hebrew language for thousands of years.

Adam & Word Relationships
Here's another couple interesting thoughts with regards to the Hebrew words for "blood" and "water":
Firstly the Hebrew word for "blood" - "dem" (sounds like "dum"). This word for blood is found within the Hebrew word "Adam". Now although Adam literally means "to be red" it is translated in the beginning of the Biblical book of Genesis as "man" in the English. This first person of creation came from the dust or dirt which was said to be red in color, thus this first person was considered "to be red" and was therefore called "Adam". Now why is it interesting that we find the word blood within the Hebrew word Adam which is used to describe Mankind? Well, if you recall the first letter of the Hebrew Alephbet is the letter Aleph which represents God. So symbolically we see that people are made from a mix of the physical and the spiritual; of God and blood.

Now there is a play on words here in the Hebrew which is not carried over into the English. In Gen. 5:2 both the first man and woman are called Adam in the Hebrew; notice that the verse states that God "named them" (both male and female) "Adam" - "man". The play on words is seen in the Hebrew word "adamah" meaning "earth". The Hebrew word for "Adam" is found in the first three letters of the Hebrew word for "earth" for out of the earth was man created. In the English it would be similar to people being called "earthlings" for they came from the "earth".

This idea of Hebrew words within other Hebrew words and their relationship is actually found throughout the Hebrew language and most times it is due to the root word that is related to every word, then other times it reveals some incredible insight. For example the word "hole" is found within the word "black" in the Hebrew, the number of examples are truly staggering causing one to doubt that it can only be as a result of coincidence, but again I will leave that decision up to you.
Hebrew as it relates to the Properties of Science
Now as for 3 Hebrew words with regards to water...
Science explains something called Thermal Capacity, which is the ability of matter to store heat. The Thermal Capacity is the amount or quantity of Heat (measured in Joules) that matter needs to absorb in order to raise it's temperature by 1 degree Kelvin. Now in relationship to this understanding let us consider three Hebrew words related to the 3 forms of water. The 3 Hebrew words are the words for: 1. "ice" (which is the word: "kerach"); 2. "water" (which is the word: "mayim"); and, 3. "steam" (which is the word: "kitor").

If you plot the numerical values of these 3 Hebrew words on a graph in linear fashion they mirror perfectly the known thermal capacity of water in all it's forms.

This same linear plotting works for the colors too. If you take many of the colours and plot them in a linear fashion, the numerical value or the Hebrew name for each color will line up with it's corresponding light frequency. Another interesting thing to note as previously mentioned is that within the Hebrew word "shacor" for the color "black" is the Hebrew word for "hole".

Black =

Hole =
Darkness and Light
In Hebrew the word for darkness is "chosek". This word symbolically expresses to the reader that darkness opens up our spirit to separation and destruction. In the Bible darkness represents sin and lack of understanding; according to God's word enlightenment is equated with insight, understanding and purity or righteousness.

The Oneness of Love
In Hebrew one word for love is "ahavah". The symbols of the Hebrew letters that make up this word express to the reader that the spirit of the leader of the house (referring to God) is "love".

Each symbol can recognize multiple things or a conceptual idea which is why each Hebrew letter, and in this case each letter "hey" can be interpreted differently. See the Hebrew letter chart in the charts section of this website for full details.
By the way love is when two become one which is why the numerical value of the Hebrew words for "love" (ahavah) and "one" (ehad) are equal.

In Hebrew the word for Hysopp is "azov". The symbols of the Hebrew letters reveal to us that the son of God will be cut off by the nail. Why is this symbolic message connected to the word "hysopp"? Hysopp is a lowly weed that was used in the Bible for cleansing and it was also used to wipe the blood on the doorposts of the Hebrew people's doors in order for the Angel of death to know which houses to "pass over" when the first born were killed in Egypt (Exod. 12:22). While Jesus was on the cross he was give a branch of Hysopp that was dipped in sour wine to drink from (John 19:29).

God & Mankind
In Hebrew the word for a domesticated animal is a "bhama"
(pronounced as: the first "a" is long the second "a" is short).
If you read this word as two words, "bah ma" it means "in it is what it is" in other words the animals are exactly what they were designed to be. Man on the other hand has the potential to become something greater. If you take the Hebrew word for mankind "adam" and change the order of the letters, you get the Hebrew word for "more". Now man is called "adam" because he was made from the "adamah" which is the Hebrew word for earth.

The Hebrew word "adameh" which is spelled with the exact same letters and just uses 1 different vowel symbol means "I will be similar".

I will be "domah" to the Alpeh; or, I will be similar to God. We can just be dirt "earth" or we can be like God; all in the same word.
...and how do we know we can be similar to God, or that we were made in the image of God, just look at the number values:

Now what is different between us and the animals is we can have a relationship with God through prayer. The Hebrew verb form of the word for "prayer" is "meetplal". (As an aside the Hebrew word "plal" means " to judge". In other words when we come to God in prayer we are to judge ourselves and the motive behind what we may consider requesting of God.) Now in various locations within this website I have shown how we can understand our connection to our parents, our make up from a combination of God/spirit and blood etc., now I want to show you how we can see within our Hebrew DNA "adam" our relationship is revealed. If we take the Hebrew word Adam and spell out each letter we will see that within the spelling of the letters we get the word "adam" reading right to left (underlined in red) and the remaining letters (underlined in green) form the word "meetplal" almost reading perfectly left to right!

Eastern vs Western Philosophy
The eastern mind is not obsessed with time as the western mind is. Anyone who has lived and worked in the near or Middle East knows that they are event oriented rather than time oriented as we westerners. Their lives are not ruled by the clock. The tenses in Hebrew and Arabic and as well in the Greek are not primarily concerned with time but rather flow or type of action.
The ancient Hebrew words that are used to describe distance and direction are also used to describe time. The Hebrew word for east is קדם "qedem" and literally means "the direction of the rising sun."
The implications of this statement are astounding. This is because time, as defined as the distance between two physical events, is not a physical measurement in and of itself. Yet in ancient Hebrew, time and distance refer to the same thing and literally to "the direction of the rising sun," (which we as human beings call the east direction). One implication of this association would be that the origin of all things could have come, does come, and will come from the east.
The Bible itself is East-oriented too. The Hebrew words for the points of the compass are:
ים "yam" – west, sea
קדם "qedem" – east, ancient, past
תימן "teman" – right, south
שמאל "smol" – left, north
"We use north as our major orientation such as in maps which are always oriented to the north. While we use the north as our major direction, the Hebrews used the east and all other directions are oriented to this direction. For example, one of the words for south is teyman from the root yaman meaning "to the right."
Here are a number of the various forms of this Hebrew word we typically translate in the English as meaning East:
קדם (qadam) meet, confront, go before.
קדם (qedem) east, antiquity, front.
קדם (qeydem) east.
קדמה (qadmah) antiquity, former estate, before.
קדים (qadim) east wind, east.
קדמון (qadmon) eastern (Ezek 47:8, only).
קדמני (qadmoni) former, ancient, eastern.
קדום (qadum) antiquity.
The word qedem is also the word for "the past." In the ancient Hebrew mind the past is in front of you while the future is behind you, the opposite way we think of the past and future. The Hebrew conception of time is likened to the situation of a man rowing a boat. He sees the past as before him (qedem); the future is behind his back (aharit).
Qedem - East, antiquity, front. The noun qedem has either a geographical meaning, "east," or a temporal notion "ancient time, aforetime." This noun occurs sixty-one times in the Bible.
The "East" may have either good or bad connotations - on the one hand it is the location of Eden, but on the other hand, it was the habitat of the men who built Babel (Gen 11:2). When denoting the dwellers E or NE of Canaan, it frequently refers to tribes hostile to Israel (Num 23:7; Jud 6:3, 33). But the prophets envision a day when they will be subject to Israel (Isa 11:14).
Mizrah - The Hebrew word for where the sun rises; which emphasizes location rather than direction.
Qadam - Antiquity, former estate. This is the abstract noun form of the derived meaning (ancient, former) of qedem. This word occurs five times.
Qadim - East wind, east. This noun denotes the desert wind which brings feared destruction (Job 27:21; Psa. 48:7 [H 8]), and which is, nonetheless, absolutely controlled by God (Job 38:24; Psa. 78:26) even for good (Exo. 14:21) when he so desires. Occurring in Ezekiel fifty-two times, the most frequent usage is "east" (cf. Hab. 1:9) perhaps a dialectical variant for qedem. The word occurs sixty-nine times.
Qadmoni - Former, ancient, eastern. This is the adjectival form of qedem. It occurs ten times.
Genesis 2:8
The LORD God planted a garden toward the EAST, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed. (Why the east? – He could have just as well planted Eden in the South, North or West. There has to be a reason Eden was planted in the EAST)
Genesis 3:24
So He drove the man out; and at the EAST of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life. (Life, the Tree of Life is in the EAST. Life comes from the EAST)
Numbers 2:3
"Now those who camp on the EAST side toward the sunrise shall be of the standard of the camp of Judah, by their armies, and the leader of the sons of Judah: Nahshon the son of Amminadab, (Judah is the tribe Jesus, The Messiah descended from Judah)
Ezekiel 10:19
When the cherubim departed, they lifted their wings and rose up from the earth in my sight with the wheels beside them; and they stood still at the entrance of the east gate of the LORD'S house, and the glory of the God of Israel hovered over them. (The glory of the LORD was over them on the EAST side of the Temple)
Ezekiel 11:23
The glory of the LORD went up from the midst of the city and stood over the mountain which is EAST of the city. (This is a reference to the Mount of Olives, which is EAST of Jerusalem – which is where Messiah will come to earth – Zech. 14:1-4, further down)
Ezekiel 41:14
Also the width of the front of the temple and that of the separate areas along the EAST side totaled a hundred cubits. (The front entrance to the Temple faces EAST)
Ezekiel 43:1-4
Then he led me to the gate, the gate facing toward the EAST; and behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the EAST. And His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory. And it was like the appearance of the vision which I saw, like the vision which I saw when He came to destroy the city. And the visions were like the vision which I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell on my face. And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate facing toward the east. (The glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the EAST. Very profound in the connection with time, east, the future and the past)
Ezekiel 44:1-2
Then He brought me back by the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, which faces the EAST; and it was shut. The LORD said to me, "This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for the LORD God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut. (The Eastern gate has been shut and bricked over by the Arabs – what are they afraid of?)
Ezekiel 47:1
Then he brought me back to the door of the house; and behold, water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the EAST, for the house faced east. And the water was flowing down from under, from the right side of the house, from south of the altar. (The River of Life - because the water which flows out from the Temple)
Zechariah 14:4
In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the EAST; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.
Matthew 2:1-2
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the EAST and have come to worship Him." (If the Magi where from the east and the star that heralds christ's birth was in the East to them, then wouldn't they have traveled the wrong way if they followed the star?)
Matthew 24:27
"For just as the lightning comes from the EAST and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
These are just a few of the Scriptures where we see the word "east" and can connect the idea of life's origin and orientation.
"Olam" עולם a long time or duration. The main component of עולם's meaning is, according to common consent "most distant time," with reference both to the past and the future, and occasionally to both.
One Hebrew way of expressing "forever" can be found in the expression "forever and forever" - Blessed be the name of God forever and ever (Dan. 2:20) The Complete Jewish Bible correctly translates this Hebraic concept correctly: Daniel 2:20 in these words: "Blessed be the name of God from eternity past to eternity future! For wisdom and power are his alone;
This explains why עולם "Olam" is not only being used to designate subsequent and future time (Gen 13:15; Exod 14:13; Deut 13:16; 23:3; 29:29; Josh 8:28; Mic 4:7), but also remote antiquity (Gen 6:4; Deut 32:7; Mic 5:2 [1]). All time is related to the action in history of the living God (Joel 2:1-11)
The meaning "forever" is paralleled with the expression "for a thousand generation(s)" 1 Chron. 16:15 – note – the Hebrew word for generation in this verse is "dor" – דור and it is singular. To express "forever" more precisely one can find the phrase – דור ודור "forever, from generation to generation – dor va'dor
Just another side note: דור (dur) is a circle, or ball. Occasionally there is a Hebrew word wherein etymology, as a route to discovery of ancient thought patterns, is all - important in discovering the true life - situation in which the word must be understood. Such is the case here. Authorities all agree that dor, the noun, is derived from dur, the verb. The simple primitive sense, not expressly found in any biblical text, is to move in a circle, surround. Since ashes, grain, meal, etc., when heaped up form a circle on the floor, ancient Semites used this word for "to heap up" or "to pile something" - thinking graphically of the shape of the heap at its base, rather than as we, of the height or outline of the elevation created. Also, since houses were usually a group of rooms surrounding a central court, and perhaps since some very early houses were circular, the word was employed with the meaning, to dwell.
ימן (yaman), - go/turn to the right
תמין (teman) I, south, southward.
The right was usually the position of honor, privilege, and preference. Joseph set Manasseh at his left, and so at Israel's right, when he brought his sons to be blessed. He then tried to correct his father's apparent mistake when he crossed his hands to give Ephraim the greater blessing (Gen 48:13-18). Both Joseph and Israel clearly understood the right hand as superior to the left. Solomon seated Bathsheba to his right (1 Kings 2:19; Psa. 45:9 [10]), and Yahweh told David's אדון to sit at his right).
An interesting comparison in different languages is that that Egyptian word for right is also for west – Egyptians oriented their directions based on the source of the Nile which was from the south.
This is also very interesting: How can the human mind comprehend events that have already occurred (the past) as being in front or ahead of us, while events that are yet to occur (the future) are behind us? The implication of ancient Biblical Hebrew is that there is a tie or a connection between the past and the future.
The Hebrew word olam עולם means in the far distance. When looking off in the far distance it is difficult to make out any details and what is beyond that horizon cannot be seen. This concept is the olam. The word olam is also used for time for the distant past or the distant future as a time that is difficult to know or perceive. This word is frequently translated as eternity or forever but in the English language it is misunderstood to mean a continual span of time that never ends. In the Hebrew mind it is simply what is at or beyond the horizon, a very distant time. A common phrase in the Hebrew is "l'olam va'ed" and is usually translated as "forever and ever" but in the Hebrew it means "to the distant horizon and again" meaning "a very distant time and even further" and is used to express the idea of a "very ancient" or "future time."
If one word can refer to past and future events interchangeably, again then, there must be an implied connection of the future to the past in Biblical Hebrew.
The universe = time = the past = the future = the east = the beginning and end of all things = the origin of all things = where God is.
For God exists "in eternity" (place and time).
The Hebrew word for "East":
With this basic understanding of the Hebrew word קדם (qedem), let’s look at the pictographs for this word, pictured below, where we find an interesting correlation between the letters of this word and its meaning.
The first letter, reading from right to left, is the letter koph, a picture of the “sun at the horizon.” The second letter is the dalet, a picture of a tent door, which allows “movement” in and out of the tent. The last letter is the mem, a picture of water and can represent a “sea” or more specifically, the Mediterranean Sea. When we put all of this together we get, “The sun at the horizon moving toward the sea,” a perfect Hebraic description of the “east.” Keep in mind that Hebrew definitions are often dynamic rather than static. What I mean by this is that we define a noun as a person, place or thing. But Hebrew nouns are more about the action of a person, place or thing. For instance, a Hebrew definition of a mountain is not just a “mountain,” but “the head rising up out of the ground.”

Water / Face:
In Hebrew the word for "waters" is "mayim" מים which we find used in the Bible many times such as in Genesis 1:2 "The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." The root of this word is the Hebrew word "mah" מה which literally means "what". In other words the Early hebrew people had no idea how to describe what water really was and even today our scientific community has trouble understanding all the attributes and characteristics of water!
Also while I am here notice the word "face" found twice in Genesis 1:2. In the Hebrew the word for "face" found here is "paney" פני which is a plural word. You see in Hebrew there is no singular word for "face" they always use a plural term when referring to the face of someone or something because we do not just have one face, we have many faces. (Happy, sad, confused...etc.).
The Length of a Hebrew Year:
In Hebrew the word for "year" is "shanah" שנה which has a Gematria value of 355. Shin = 300; Nun = 50; and Hey = 5. The Jewish calendar operates based on a lunar year, which is 355 days long.