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The difference between Greek and Hebrew Teaching Methods in regards to the Bible:

In the Greek teaching method, the professor or the instructor claims to be the authority. If you are attending a Bible study class and the class leader says, “I will teach you the only way to understand this biblical book,” you may want to consider the implications. This method is common since most Seminaries and Bible colleges teach a Greek method of learning, which is the same method the church has been utilizing for centuries.


Hebraic teaching methods are different. The teacher wants the students to challenge what they hear. It is through questioning that a student can learn. In addition, the teacher wants his/her students to excel to a point where the student becomes the teacher.              


It is said that if two rabbis come together to discuss a passage of Scripture, the result will be at least ten different opinions. All points of view are acceptable if biblical evidence can support the points. It is permissible and encouraged for students to have multiple opinions. There is a depth to God’s Word, and God wants us to find all His messages that are placed in the Scriptures.


Seeking out the meaning of the Scriptures beyond the literal meaning is essential to fully understanding God’s Word. The Greek method of learning the Scriptures has prevailed over the centuries. One problem is that only the literal interpretation of Scripture was often viewed as valid, as prompted by Martin Luther’s “sola literalis” meaning that only the literal interpretation of Scripture was valid. The Fundamentalist movements of today are generally based on the literal interpretation of the Scripture. Therefore, they do not believe that God placed any deeper, hidden, or secret meanings in the Word.


The students of the Scriptures who learn through Hebraic training and understanding have drawn a different conclusion. The Hebrew language itself leads to different possible interpretations because of the construction of the language. The Hebraic method of Bible study opens avenues of thought about God’s revelations in the Scripture that may have never been considered. A question may be raised about the Scripture being studied for which there may not be an immediate answer. If so, it becomes the responsibility of the learners to uncover the meaning. Also, remember that multiple opinions about the meaning of Scripture are also acceptable if Scripture can support them. 


Koplitz, Michael. The WHOLE David and Goliath Story: AN EXAMINATION OF THE DAVID AND GOLIATH STORY USING ANCIENT BIBLE STUDY METHODS PLUS A SERMON (Kindle Locations 89-96). Kindle Edition. 






Remember... God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, it would only reason then that when we come to consider His word that we need to approach things differently then usual and consider new approaches and perspectives in order to interpret and understand the depth of what God may be expressing.

Please note the author of this website does not claim to be an expert in the languages considered herein. The things shown here represent some of the things this websites author has discovered while personally studying Hebrew and God's word.

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